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Salient features of World’s Physical Geography
It comprises of topics like Geomorphology, Oceanography, Climatology etc.
Distribution of Key Natural Resources across the world (including S. Asia and the India)
It comprises of topics like Types of Resources, Land Resources, Forest Resources etc.
Factors responsible for the location of primary, secondary, and tertiary sector industries in various parts of the world (including India)
It comprises of topics like Classification of Industries, Location & Distribution of the Industries etc.
Important Geophysical Phenomena
It comprises of topics like earthquakes, Tsunami, Volcanic activity, cyclone etc.
Physical Geography of India
It comprises of topics like Physiography of India, Drainage System etc.
Events from 18th century
It comprises of topics like Renaissance, Industrial Revolution, French Revolution etc.
World War I
It comprises of topics like Causes of the War, Scope & Course of the War etc.
World Between the Two Wars
It comprises of topics like Europe After the War – Fascism & Nazism, The Great Depression etc.
World War II
It comprises of topics like Fascist Aggression & Response of Western Democracies, Outbreak of the War etc.
It comprises of topics like Europe after World War II, Cold War etc.
Political Philosophies
It comprises of topics like Communism,
Capitalism, Socialism etc.
Indian Art Forms
It comprises of topics like Indian Paintings, Dances in India, Music etc.
It comprises of topics Classical Sanskrit Literature, Ancient Buddhist Literature etc.
It comprises of topics Harappan Architecture, Mauryan Architecture, Temple Architecture etc.
Consolidation and Reorganization
It comprises of topics like Partition and Its Aftermath, Integration of Princely States etc.
Foreign Policy
It comprises of topics like Non-Aligned Movement, Panchsheel etc.
It comprises of topics like Planned Development, Green Revolution, Operation Flood & Cooperatives etc.
It comprises of topics like Era of One-Party Dominance, Emergence of Opposition Parties etc.
It comprises of topics like Popular Movements, Communalism etc.
Post-Independence Policy of Science And Technology
It comprises of topics like Policy in the Field of the Science and Technology etc.
Important Modern History Events Before 1857
It comprises of topics like Later Mughals,
Regional powers in 18th Century,
Carnatic Wars,
Battle of Plassey & Buxar,
Anglo-Mysore War etc.
Revolt of 1857
It comprises of topics Causes, Leaders, and Nature of revolt of 1857 etc.
Growth of Nationalism in India (1858-1905)
It comprises of topics Political, Economic & Administrative Unification of the Country,
Role of Western Education etc.
Growth of Militant Nationalism & Revolutionary Activities (1905-1918)
It comprises of topics Swadeshi & Boycott Movement, Surat Split etc.
Beginning of Mass Nationalism (1919-1939)
It comprises of topics Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms, Rowlatt Act, Satyagrah and Jallianwala Bagh Massacre etc.
Towards Freedom & Partition (1939-1947)
It comprises of topics August Offer,
Individual Satyagraha, Cripps mission etc.
Features of Indian Society, Diversity of India
It comprises of topics like Unity,
Pluralism, Unity in Diversity etc.
Role of Women and Women’s Organization
It comprises of topics like Women’s organizations in Indian history, Types of women’s organizations etc.
Population and Associated Issues
It comprises of topics like Basic Demography of India, Population Trends in India etc.
Poverty and Developmental Issues
It comprises of topics like Concept of Development and Poverty, Types of Poverty etc.
Urbanization, their problems and their remedies
It comprises of topics like Factors Driving Urbanisation, State of Service Delivery etc.
Effects of Globalization on Indian society
It comprises of topics like Understanding Globalisation – Its Different Dimensions,
Globalisation & Culture etc.
Social Empowerment
It comprises of topics like Meaning and concept of social empowerment,
Dimensions of Social Empowerment etc.
It comprises of topics like Communalism in India in the Past etc.
It comprises of topics like Concept of Region & Regionalism,
Different Forms of Regionalism etc.
It comprises of topics like Concept of Secularism, Indian Model of Secularism etc.