
Enhance Visualization

Visualization Techniques

Trivia on Visualization

Visualization is utilizng brain to create images. When you hear or read a word (a name or an object) which you already know, some visuals create in your head, and you instantly understand it. Unfortunately many of us don’t realize this process.
Here we will try to make you realize that how visualization process helps you to remember better and helps you recall faster.

Visualization is a sense given to all, but not many use it “purposefully”.
Consider this, in a class many students use this tool of visualization, but unfortunately not for learning but runnig away from learning.
A teacher teaching Maths or Science or Literature in a class and many of the students in the class day dreaming about a movie, or a talk with friend or visualizing some future plans.
Why this happens?
When you are learning somthing new, you are discomforting your brain and your brain resists it(if the student is not interested in the subject).
As we have discussed that, our brain is an image processor and not word processor, so if the teaching is in words, your brain looses the interest.
So, why do you day dream?
It so happens that, if you hear a word in the lecture which is somehow link to some of your personal memories, you start to daydream that memory and one thing leads to another and on and on. And you loose the track completely.
We are trying to help you to visualize to learn your subject.
It means to visualize what teacher is trying to teach you are trying to create an image of her lessons and try to understand it.

Visualization Test

Let’s try to make you realize that you do visualize when you read/see something.The similar exercise was conducted in introduction section.
Read the words written on the cards, read them and then stop for a while. Try to observe if you visualize any picture or memory?

Taj Mahal

Blue Balloon

Did you observe that you visualize Taj Mahal when you read it. Similarly you visualize a “BLUE” balloon, not green, not red, not orange but BLUE.
Also if you had visited Taj Mahal you must be overwhelmed by the memories.
If you visualized something else, try to observe why you visualized that (This also shows that you are quite creative).

Enhancing Visualization

Why to enhance Visualization?

Visualization comes naturally to you, while verbatim rote learning is not.
The question arises, we can visualize what we know already, but what about those persons, objects, theorem names, concepts which we don’t know? How can we visualize them?
How can we use visualization conccept to learn new things?
The answer is, not only your brain can visualize but it can CREATE also. Brain is creative and it can create images, objects, faces and a whole new world. All the important inventions were once, just an idea in someone’s brain.
They work on that idea to create something new.
Rote-learning never allows you to use your creativity in learning and remembring but Visualization and creativity can help you to learn, remember and recall for longer period of time.

Visualization process efficiency

Is visualization process efficient? If it is why are we not using it?
May be visualization process is the best way to learn, but it seems time consuming while rote-learning has always been a saviour when quick memorization is required.

Many of you must have these questions at the back of your brain. We want you to realize that you were taught rote-learning as the only way to remember something. Your brain has been trained to remember lessons in this fashion only. It is your comfort zone. The brain is resisting this change.
The visualziation process may seem like time -consuming at first but with little bit of practice you will be using this in your daily life. Ofcourse you have to bring certain changes and we’ll be glad to help you through the process.

Visualization and Sub-conscious brain

We observed, how our brain has sub-conscious part in “about brain blog”.
The sub-conscious part is responsible for controlling most of the actions in our day to day life. The sub-conscious brain keeps us in auto-pilot mode, i.e. in a loop to repeat our daily chores without utilizing much energy from the body (conscious part utilizes great amount of energy).
This function of brain is energy efficient but when it comes achieving something we need to come out of this cycle. Psychology has proven it that, with visualization techniques if a person visualizes himself/herself attaining a goal already, the sub-conscious mind understands it as a reality and adjust its cycle to help the person to achieve the goal.
This shows that with visualization techniques, it is possible to access the sub-conscious brain in more efficient manner. We have created an analogy of sub-conscious brain which you can read here.

Visualization Techniques

Enhancing Visualization

In order to be able to visualize more, you need to know more and know more in different areas. We are not suggsting you know everything but expect you to be open to learn more about other areas.

So how are you going to do that?

1. Read more books

Reading books helps your brain in many ways, but habit of reading books can help in visualization process. Reading books will help you remembering characters names, it also helps you to use creativity.
Try this,

Read the text below and try to create and visualize a face or a character. We want you read the text, try to visualize the character and then try to identify the character from the image.

Were you able to identify and visualize the character? Yes, he is our beloved Harry Potter(option B). Many of you must’ve visualized Daniel Radcliffe , who portrayed the character of Harry Potter.

You always visualize when you read, you create images in your head. When you read the books your brain’s visual powers and creative powers enhance and helps you to keep your brain healthy.

2. Watch and Observe Cartoons/Animations

Cartoon characters are great work of creativity. We want you to observe the characters and how they are animated in comic ways.
In our system we are going to link the ‘memory-links’ in a comic sense. We would like you to learn and observe how to create comic images using characters. We want you to open the gates of your creativity to create comic images that you can remember and recall.

However, we don’t suggest you to watch it all the time. Don’t give it more than 3hrs in a week. You can also watch animated movies, if you don’t like cartoons. The idea is to imagine in creative ways and to make an image comic at will.

3. Watch and observe TV series/ Movies

Movies, TV series, education channels etc. provides you lots of information. However we see them mostly for entertainment purpose. We want you to observe them and don’t watch for entertainment. Try to remember the names of every character you come across. Think this as challenge to remember the name of characters.
Don’t spend too much time watching them. Watch them on weekends or some specific time, but don’t think that you can have better visualization power by just watching/observing TV and movies.
We are suggesting this because your mind needs a bit of relaxation. Also, when you hang out with your friends, let say to watch a movie, you create memories(in ’emotion folder’) which can be use as a memory link.
We have learnt the name of Switzerland Prime Minister using the names of character in TV series and Movies.

4. Read Newspaper

Reading newpaper is not just about current affairs but also reading the plethora of areas. You can learn about various fields like economy, international affairs, environment, science etc. The idea is to raise interest in various fields so that it will help you learn trivia from other fields easily.
We will suggest you to read from RSS feeds, it will help you to read the focused areas only. You can use “” to read the rss feeds in a much easier way.

5. Avoid Adult videos and jokes

This is quite important, we have discussed this in brief in about brain blog. The adult content and double meaning joke are impediment to visual powers.
Now the images and thoughts are so vivid in these contents, that it stops you to think straight. It can also affect your memory-links.
We recommend you avoid it completely.